Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I've been Rocky Balboa

These posts are always dangerous because while there's an obvious biased view, there's usually "selling" of a product going on.

I'm not telling you to go out and watch any of the Rocky movies, but there is a lesson to follow each movie.  Rocky was more than just a fictional Italian fighter that becomes famous.  He represents the true underdog.  Someone who was doubted constantly throughout their lives and yet still, viewed the world in a positive manner.  The parallels to rocky movie and real life are very much relatable.

Rocky was a late bloomer

Rocky was not some young boxer with loads of potential.  He was a 30 year old slightly moving out of his prime boxer.  In marketing and sales, you are not only combating yourself, but the young people that had a head start learning new technologies and up to date information.  As you age gracefully, you have to always be learning and realize you can "peak" at the right time.  You have to maintain the enthusiasm of what you do.  

Parallel's-  I spent a lot of time dedicating my attention to music.  I officially came into the marketing world at 26.  It was tough when there were people 3-4 years younger that were doing things I didn't quite grasp yet.  I had to understand that I didn't peak yet and not talk in past tense.  At any point, we all can be a late bloomer that realizes their purpose and passion.

Rocky was not afraid to lose

Rocky went into every fight understanding he could lose or be severely hurt.  Rocky was humble and a lot of it had to do with people not expecting much from him.  When you get older, it becomes tougher to "fail."  Failing at an older age has repercussions that are different than age 22.  

Parallel's-  I've certainly failed at quite a few things.  There's a good and bad to being self aware.  The good is you understand your limitations and ability.  The bad is you can hold yourself back.  I've been victim to being comfortable in my own skin.  Any kind of marketing campaign has a chance to "fail." I learned you have to take the chances.

Rocky had a passion

His passion is boxing.  Rocky's passion allowed him to apply it to several facets of his life.  When he experienced financial hardship, he applied boxing principles that helped his attitude.  If you have a passion, it means you stand for something.  If you fall, you get back up and keep moving forward.

Parallel's-  Passion for marketing and music has helped my sanity.  When times are rough, my passions prevent me from doing the "wrong" things.  

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