Friday, January 15, 2016

"Under Pressure"

It's Friday so you would think it's ironic I'd have a post about being "under pressure."

We create pressure.  By we, I mean society.

We're constantly under it because of  building blocks for "our" future.

I had a conversation with a guy who told me if you aren't making $65,000 by the time you are 30, you are behind and struggling.  I've always believed it's not who starts, but who finishes.  Apparently, this kid doesn't agree.

Client tells you they need results.  The marketing team plan out the campaign.  They introduce digital governance and make sure everyone involved is held accountable for their part of the plan.  The client is also accountable for the work on their end. The team begins to ask questions to each other that ends in uncertainty.  there are a lot of opinions and there's a sense of pressure to show individual quality work to the team.  In this scenario, there's always some unanswered questions

We tend to forget that Clients don't anticipate a campaign will be perfect.  No one is perfect and rather than stressing out, marketing teams are better off communicating and truly asking questions to answers not known.

RIP and respect to David Bowie and Freddie Mercury- "Under Pressure"

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