Monday, January 25, 2016

End of the month drag

It's the end of the month and I can't help but notice various attitudes being shown.  Companies are either having a great month and in good spirits or a bad month and seething at the mouth.  Either way, the end of the month is usually the least stressful yet most uneventful period.

I say unstressful because when you hit that week of the 25th, Everything's been done.  Nothing big in particular will change your fortunes for that month.  It's a tough pill to swallow.  You had a:

Great month- You hit status deliverables and sales goals. Now what do you do?

Bad month- You didn't hit goal and deliverables were late by two days.  What do you do?

Answers are you either research for the next month, or you do nothing.  Doing nothing is simply not an option.  A company that does nothing doesn't progress.  Sales and Marketing management become zealous around this time.  If goals are hit, they want goals blown out of the water!  If goals aren't hit, well they look at it as catch up to salvage their predicted forecast. They take pride in their forecast. (control what you can control)

If you decide to wait on the first of the month to hit goals and deliverables, you'll be so far behind it will impact you for several months. (playing catch up sucks)

From a work standpoint, I dislike the end of the month.  The hunger to close out is tougher than the first week of the month where you want to accelerate your initiatives.  In sales I have hit goal more than I've missed it, but the times I missed it resulted from being extremely lazy at the end of the month.  (taking time for granted)

No advice really to be given here.  Everyone approaches their end of the month differently.  Two words will sum up this whole blog post.

Proactive or Reactive.

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