Monday, February 1, 2016

I need clos...ure

For my Hunters and Business Development people.

How often have you researched a company, found the decision makers, and sent information to contact that person?  All the time.

How many times have you seen signs  that it's a "qualified" opportunity only to have that person not contact you to even say "not interested."  - Me! Me! Me!

In today's world of sales, ABC isn't as easy as 123.(Jackson 5 reference)  The customers hold all the cards and can decide to show whatever hand they want.  They can change the deck and we're left in the dark wondering if they gave us the right cards or not.  Closure is a word often heard in psychology and relationships-It's applicable to vetting out a prospect.

While I love to close and gain a yes or no, I believe the clos-ure is what helps me learn more about the situation.   Here are some tips I use to gain closure.

Tip 1: Hi! to the elephant in the room

If there's one thing that happens in meetings and communication it's avoidance.  We avoid conflict because we don't want to be seen as desperate, pushy, or any other negative connotation.  There's a thin line always and I respect that line.  Still, I have to address the elephant in the room.  No is not a good answer if I can't figure out why.   A very influential sales coach Dave Yoho has tips on how you get them past the word No but we haven't even reached that point.  We still need to figure out what's preventing them from giving us a straight answer. 

what have I done to deserve such disrespect!

Tip 2: Research..Not a salesperson!

My desire to get to the hidden objection has nothing to do with the sale.  It's everything to do with my prospects psyche.  What are they afraid of telling me?  Who did I forget to talk with?  Do I sound trust worthy?  There's a million combinations that impact a sales stall.  We all have sales cycles that we follow based off previous forecasts.  We imagine how the situation should look, then have to take a detour.  I channel my Sherlock Holmes and I get to the bottom of it all!

Elementary, my dear Watson...

Tip 3: Release them

Sometimes you have to know when to let go.  It's not always the right timing for change and if you did everything the way it should have-don't fret and move on.  As we pursue people for our business/services, there's a point where we may come off desperate.  Keep it moving and never let it affect your confidence.  Someone has to get "dumped" and


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