Monday, March 31, 2014

If online and traditional had an elephant baby

They could save the thousands of students not attending college due to rising costs and lack of preparation.

Seriously, there's a huge elephant in the room.

Everyone knows the problem but is afraid to move away from it.  They just stand there contorting their body to move around the elephant.  It's taking up space yet everyone acts as if it's not there.  No one wants  to get in the way of it because's an elephant.  Of course I'm not talking about an actual elephant.

The rise in student tuition and lack of preparing students for the workforce has led to default rates increasing.  There is also problems with retention and graduation rates as you have students that are leaving school for the workforce early.  These students who could be college graduates, now compete for jobs with those that only have a High School diploma.

There are some that complain while tuition costs are higher,  schools are not preparing their students for success; particularly in technology and research fields. I can give personally give 2-3 examples of people who went to college only to do something completely different than their major.

The problem is technology changes so fast and its forcing institutions to keep pace.  Some traditional institutions are teaching dated material that does not prepare a student who enters the workforce.   Online institutions are becoming more creative in how students learn but face the stigma of being "online."

Couldn't traditional institutions borrow concepts from online institutions?  My opinion is that education becomes more elastic where a school's curriculum becomes as responsive to trends as students are.

Wouldn't it be nice?

An article I viewed that helped explain the differences and challenges in Higher Ed.

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