Monday, March 31, 2014

Mondays song of the week.

Now Playing- "The Waiting" by Tom Petty

 I have a love for the simplicity and catchy music of the yesteryear.  Three times a week, I pick a song that aligns with my attitude and helps me realize the end goal.  The song could be anything from a throwback 70's tune to a current dance or hip hop track.  Eclectic is what they say...

One of my favorite songs is Tom Petty and the Heart breakers'   "The Waiting"

Every Monday for the last year, I have played this song before I start my day.  One of my weaknesses is I am quite impatient.  Higher Education doesn't move as fast as a transaction at Starbucks.  Everything is calculated and seen through to the final decision.  I have grown to appreciate that.  My job has helped me understand how important patience is.

This Tom Petty song sums up my feelings.  Sure, his meaning is a a rock star having to wait until he can share "moments" with a female.   The lyrics can be interpreted multiple ways.

"The waiting is the hardest part
every day sees one more card
You take it out in faith, You take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part"

I came up with my own parody.

"Waiting for Bids is the hardest part.
Every day it seems so hard
I take them in good faith, don't take it to the heart
Waiting for Bids is the hardest part."

Update 4-16-2015:  I still listen to this song every Monday before I start my day.  I strongly encourage people to pick a few songs that describe their situation or mood.  IT helps your grind easier during the early part of your work week.

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