Monday, June 30, 2014


There will be a time where FB will not be the number one social media site. 

Really, this will happen.

Everything moves in cycles and people love fresh ideas.  FB currently as of June 2014, is the number one social media site.  Theoretically, they have peaked and there's only one way to go and that's down.

There's someone somewhere that is looking at every top social media site thinking, "How can I solve what they fail to address?"  -Every current social media site has done this.

Facebook found a way for people to connect and maintain personal relationships

LinkedIN took that model and  emphasized "networking" through process of connecting with like minded individuals.

Twitter gave way to erase long responses and creating essentially an elevator pitch in text.

I'm looking forward to the next 5-7 years because I think we all are going to see some game changing social media tools that will solve various pains.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Here we are..another list post.

I was watching the movie: "10 things I hate about you."

It got me thinking about my imperfections and what traits I have that not attractive to some people.

In no particular order.

10. Impatient- I can't stand waiting for anything.  One of the reasons I've had success in my professional life is because I am proactive.  What happens when you get borderline zealous with impatient behavior?  You get lost opportunities because of being impatient.  

9. Brooder- When am I frustrated beyond belief, I let it simmer like a pressure cookie until it POPS!  It's one of my least attractive characteristics.  Eventually I get out of the mood, but it takes me doing it.

8. Biting my nails-  I have bitten my nails to the point they are just nubs.  It's not even a nervous habit.  I've always done it and there have been countless people staring in disgust.

7. Sarcastic-  My sarcasm has been known to border on "asshole-ism."  It's not that I'm mean spirited, I just have a sense of humor that is not average.  Maybe it's the inflection in my voice.

6. Anti-trends-  No. I do not watch "Breaking Bad" or "Orange is the new black."  I've never caught onto shows and been so immersed- I wasn't wired that way.  I still get people upset that I have not seen one episode of Breaking Bad.

5. Blunt- I do not consider myself to be rude, but I am blunt.  I am very transparent about how and what I feel.  Some people love it, and some people hate me for it.  If you want my honest opinion, please be warned I do not bite my tongue.

4. Confrontational- I never look for ways to add conflict, but I'm not afraid of it.  It has helped me develop closer relationships with people and it's also alienated me from people.

3.  'I like people- just not all the time'- I have never  let people get real close to me. I'm very transparent but guarded at the same time.

2. Messy-  I am not the most organized person in the world and it gets worse as I get older.  The ironic thing is I can remember where everything is.

1. Arrogant-  I do not believe I hold myself in such high regard, but when you are too laid back, perception comes into play.  I'm very confident in myself and have been told I'm arrogant.

I challenge you to come to terms with what people think of you.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


To my fellow readers and bloggers….

I was gone for a little while but I'm back!

It's been a trying week for me.  Between my new job, not having internet, and taking on several programs, I haven't been as dedicated to my blog schedule.  I aim to get back on schedule this week with new insight as well as some interesting content you may value in entertainment.

I learned this week that technology is becoming a crutch for me.  I took a day to not use my cell phone at all.  What I learned scared the hell out of me.

- I felt naked without having my cell phone.  I realized my cell phone was a "Filler"- Much like how we use "umm", and "like," cell phones fill the space where there is "awkward" interaction.

- My train ride to and from work seemed much longer.  I spent most of my time staring at my surroundings and playing mental games.

- I realized how we look like zombies when we are all on our phones.  I have probably checked my cell phone 8 times while typing this blog entry.

Now Playing- "No Control"

Monday, June 9, 2014


I found a great article on creating white papers for marketing materials.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, graphic design person, or even a marketer, creating a white paper can be fun!

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Good evening Bloggers:

I know I usually come up with a concept that ties marketing, people, and attitudes together- Today is not the day.

It's sunday and after recovering from a great celebratory weekend, I wanted to keep it light.

There are so many good things happening for people I know that it invigorates my soul.  It keeps me grounded and inspired.

Everybody has this journey and I realize that we all are facing challenges.  I'm taking bits and pieces from others in how to conquer challenges and live a life with no regrets.

Work hard…play hard.. party like it's my job!

Work life balance?  Not worried about it.


I'm going to go and make my ziti pasta now.

Now playing- Everybody's working for the weekend

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


It's a service industry and we all do sales.  Sales has this negative connotation yet, you can have conversations with almost anyone and find out they do sales.

To get away from "sales" people use different litany to avoid the word.

Bartenders build rapport, serve you what you want, and strive for retention with each customer.


I have been hooked on this youtube channel called "Tipsy Bartender."

The bartender is an older jamaican man that has extremely attractive women giving tutorials on how to make exotic cocktails and show off drink making skills.

The guy behind it is an amazing marketer because he:

He gives value ( Teaching you how to make drinks)
He gives you inner desire ( Impressing attractive women with your skills)
He offers something unique ( These drinks are beyond normal cocktails)
He listens to his audience ( Takes in recommendations from posters)

I now am wanting to add mixing one of his crazy drinks to my bucket list!

Now playing- Tipsy Bartender

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


As a sales consultant, I have learned there is a large amount of psychology in a consumers behavior and motives.

I almost feel like all those sleazy used car salesmen books that were big in the 90's are now obsolete. Selling shouldn't even be called selling anymore.

It's trusting.  We don't always buy a product because it's the best in the market- We buy because we trusted that person who represents their company.


All sales consultants should remind themselves of that.  A large part of our cycle is beating doubt and exposing our selves in a vulnerable manner.  It's like courting a woman to go on a date with me.  She's not 100% sure about me but she gets that feeling of taking that chance to an unknown journey.  The passion needs to be there!

You can't automate connections!


Now Playing- "Safe with me"

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Right now…

I'm watching Fast and Furious 6, writing this blog entry, working on market strategy information, and eating an nice cream bar….

I'm doing way too much right now. You probably are doing way too much.

The ability to be able to multi-task is now becoming a curse because everyone thinks they can multi-task.

Pardon my french but: "Faire trop de merde n'obtient rien fait"  - Doing too much shit gets nothing done.

The most successful people I feel have a skill that they solely excel in.  When I look at marketing, I'm not a good when it comes to graphic design or building data points that would be toward market research.

Companies have every one of their workers doing 3-4 different tasks and very few people are able to be consistently great in their work.

This isn't just my confession, I'd love others to be fearless and admit "I do too much."

Now Playing- One thing