Tuesday, June 3, 2014


As a sales consultant, I have learned there is a large amount of psychology in a consumers behavior and motives.

I almost feel like all those sleazy used car salesmen books that were big in the 90's are now obsolete. Selling shouldn't even be called selling anymore.

It's trusting.  We don't always buy a product because it's the best in the market- We buy because we trusted that person who represents their company.


All sales consultants should remind themselves of that.  A large part of our cycle is beating doubt and exposing our selves in a vulnerable manner.  It's like courting a woman to go on a date with me.  She's not 100% sure about me but she gets that feeling of taking that chance to an unknown journey.  The passion needs to be there!

You can't automate connections!


Now Playing- "Safe with me"

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