Saturday, June 21, 2014


To my fellow readers and bloggers….

I was gone for a little while but I'm back!

It's been a trying week for me.  Between my new job, not having internet, and taking on several programs, I haven't been as dedicated to my blog schedule.  I aim to get back on schedule this week with new insight as well as some interesting content you may value in entertainment.

I learned this week that technology is becoming a crutch for me.  I took a day to not use my cell phone at all.  What I learned scared the hell out of me.

- I felt naked without having my cell phone.  I realized my cell phone was a "Filler"- Much like how we use "umm", and "like," cell phones fill the space where there is "awkward" interaction.

- My train ride to and from work seemed much longer.  I spent most of my time staring at my surroundings and playing mental games.

- I realized how we look like zombies when we are all on our phones.  I have probably checked my cell phone 8 times while typing this blog entry.

Now Playing- "No Control"

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