Monday, June 23, 2014


Here we are..another list post.

I was watching the movie: "10 things I hate about you."

It got me thinking about my imperfections and what traits I have that not attractive to some people.

In no particular order.

10. Impatient- I can't stand waiting for anything.  One of the reasons I've had success in my professional life is because I am proactive.  What happens when you get borderline zealous with impatient behavior?  You get lost opportunities because of being impatient.  

9. Brooder- When am I frustrated beyond belief, I let it simmer like a pressure cookie until it POPS!  It's one of my least attractive characteristics.  Eventually I get out of the mood, but it takes me doing it.

8. Biting my nails-  I have bitten my nails to the point they are just nubs.  It's not even a nervous habit.  I've always done it and there have been countless people staring in disgust.

7. Sarcastic-  My sarcasm has been known to border on "asshole-ism."  It's not that I'm mean spirited, I just have a sense of humor that is not average.  Maybe it's the inflection in my voice.

6. Anti-trends-  No. I do not watch "Breaking Bad" or "Orange is the new black."  I've never caught onto shows and been so immersed- I wasn't wired that way.  I still get people upset that I have not seen one episode of Breaking Bad.

5. Blunt- I do not consider myself to be rude, but I am blunt.  I am very transparent about how and what I feel.  Some people love it, and some people hate me for it.  If you want my honest opinion, please be warned I do not bite my tongue.

4. Confrontational- I never look for ways to add conflict, but I'm not afraid of it.  It has helped me develop closer relationships with people and it's also alienated me from people.

3.  'I like people- just not all the time'- I have never  let people get real close to me. I'm very transparent but guarded at the same time.

2. Messy-  I am not the most organized person in the world and it gets worse as I get older.  The ironic thing is I can remember where everything is.

1. Arrogant-  I do not believe I hold myself in such high regard, but when you are too laid back, perception comes into play.  I'm very confident in myself and have been told I'm arrogant.

I challenge you to come to terms with what people think of you.

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