Sunday, June 1, 2014


Right now…

I'm watching Fast and Furious 6, writing this blog entry, working on market strategy information, and eating an nice cream bar….

I'm doing way too much right now. You probably are doing way too much.

The ability to be able to multi-task is now becoming a curse because everyone thinks they can multi-task.

Pardon my french but: "Faire trop de merde n'obtient rien fait"  - Doing too much shit gets nothing done.

The most successful people I feel have a skill that they solely excel in.  When I look at marketing, I'm not a good when it comes to graphic design or building data points that would be toward market research.

Companies have every one of their workers doing 3-4 different tasks and very few people are able to be consistently great in their work.

This isn't just my confession, I'd love others to be fearless and admit "I do too much."

Now Playing- One thing

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