Monday, October 12, 2015

Long winded..I am

So on my blog, Not only do I poke fun at marketing and people-I poke fun at myself.  I realize there's something I suffer from and it's being long winded.

I don't mean to be long winded; it just naturally happens.  I'm a mix of visual and auditory  and I feel like it comes from a creative person aiming to be memorable. I was able to break down myself and some of the things I do that keep me long winded.

Going from 0-100 real quick

I constantly think about ideas and concepts.  It's not uncommon for me to wake up in the middle of the night to write down a few ideas or play a musical phrase.  My phone has about 50 ideas now. My older phone has about 200.  My thoughts race against each other so much that I'm interpreting what I want to say to you on the spot. Data driven people call theirs "analysis paralysis."  I like to call it "trying to be a differenter."  Sometimes I try too hard and I admit it.

Natural improviser

When it comes to my music background, it applies to my professional life.  In music you have structure for 8-12 bars but then you come alive and showcase your ability to randomly create for a specific time.  I'm the most comfortable when I have the opportunity to step out of structure.  Don't get me wrong; structure is good.  Too much structure and things get stagnant for me.  I get bored easily if something becomes too predictable.   Stock piling ideas is never good for an improviser and marketers have to be as flexible as a musician.


I've always been a story teller.  Date back to 1992 and I was creating movies with my toy action figures.  I'm long winded because when I tell a story, I want you to see the beginning, middle and end.  I talk with my hands-even when I'm on the phone.  I tell the most basic point in the most dramatic and climatic way.  Have you ever gotten so passionate or excited about a story, it took you forever to get to the point?  It's in my nature and one of the reasons my stories can get long winded.

Prospects initially don't want to hear a long winded response; they want you to get to the point.  If you get long winded like me, save that great story for the 2nd or 3rd meeting.

Now Playing-"One Week"

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