Thursday, October 8, 2015

Marketers have a reset target button

As a tall man with big feet, my in store shopping experience is limited.  Not many retailers carry size 15 shoes.  My only option is big and tall and they usually  have some of the ugliest shoes.  Shopping online has become my best friend.  I go to my favorite brands website, look at shoes for a moment, then I leave the site because something else has distracted me.

I swear I'm getting somewhere with this.

I get on my social media talking to a friend I like enough to talk to but not enough to hang in person.  I see an ad on FB for the same exact shoe item I clicked on.

Deja Vu....

It's not Deja Vu--I've been apart of a re-targeting strategy that the company is using for online "window shoppers." They were able to track my site activity and essentially reinforce my initial interest to buy the shoes.


Re-targeting in laymens terms,  targets users who have previously visited a website and displays the websites  ads on social media and other sites.  It's a great way for companies to have their products in the back of their users' minds.  It feels like sales has slowly begun to move toward psychology books and less sales jargon books.  Humans are creatures of habit.  If marketers can host ads in consistent areas, this will increase the chance they convert that user.  

Re-targeting and behavioral based marketing is pretty complex.  If you are interested in learning more,  I've attached some helpful links at the bottom explaining it.  I'm far from an expert on this matter.

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