Friday, May 30, 2014


Ain't it Fun?

My dream as a six year old was to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle and live underground in a sewer.  

I didn't have to live in the real world that I do now.  I didn't have to worry about "When keeping it real, goes wrong."

As a child my imagination could think of the most innovative and creative ideas.  I didn't have a boss that told me, "It'll never work."

I could be honest with myself and others and not come off as an asshole.  hF817921F.jpg


The truth is I didn't know the rules, so in my eyes I wasn't breaking anything.  The more I feel constricted the more I miss being able to think freely and not subconsciously worry about what others think.

What am I going to do?

I'm going to do something I normally wouldn't do once a month.

I'm going bridge the gap between being spontaneous and being predictable

I'm going to have fun in this real world.

Now listening- Ain't it Fun (Paramore)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Most people use each other

I started thinking about how different people always say they hate "users" but everyone uses to an extent.

You want what someone else has and the question is: "How do I get it?"

What is the strategy for me to leverage who and what I know in hopes of returned social-economic resources?

It's a word EVERYBODY uses yet those same people hate "users."

I's called….


Friday, May 23, 2014

The words NO and YES

Are the toughest words for people to say.

It's true…

When people get married and the priest says: "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"  The woman doesn't say Yes.  She says, "I do."

When you buy a product from someone and you both agree that it is going to help you, I'm willing to bet you don't say the word yes.  The litany of responses will be:
-Let's go with it.
- When can you deliver it?
-This makes sense
-I'm on board

In your professional life,  we have so many people that are scared to tell people they can't do something that they avoid the "No" Response.

You know who will give you a straight yes or no?  Little kids.

When we all were little kids, if we didn't like something we weren't shy to say how we felt.  THere were no filters.  A kid can "No I don't want to" and not feel pressure to be PR friendly.  Now these filters are important as we get older, but why is it so hard to elicit a simple yes or no?

I can only think of the medical profession where people HAVE to say either yes or no for diagnostic purposes.

People avoid situations where they have to say Yes or No.  If you were to google "Yes or No",  You will see blogs and articles with people giving advice on how to avoid saying Yes or No.  ( I did the homework for you- "Yes or No"

Now Listening- "Am I Wrong"

Thursday, May 22, 2014


How strange is time?

One day you could be talking to someone..the next day they disappear.  In the sales world, this is very common.

I mentioned how my company was facing big transition in a previous post, but failed to mention how seriously disturbing the situation is.  It's hard to be a salesmen and a person with the clients best interest at heart.

I have been transitioning to a new company that I hope has the values they stand by.

-Now listening to "safe with me"

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Love life in a sales cycle Chapter 2

As we continue using Salesforce terminology, DM uncertain means the person who can decide to pursue your product has a "hidden" objection preventing them from giving you the OK.

The funny thing we all have been the DM who was uncertain to fully say "yes."

Scenario:  I'm in a bar and I spot the lady that has grabbed my interest.  I want to impress her.  The initial conversation seems to go pretty good except towards the end there seems to be a change in the interest level.

I said something that probably wasn't very flattering and ended up with

In higher ed, it's a complex sale dealing with different point of views and being able to navigate through this can be difficult.  I notice some women I come across can be as complex as a sale and one wrong move can have you in the "not interested" pool.

Still confidence is on…  giphy.gif

Advocate Sold: Seeking DM Approval

At this point, this is the highest percentage of advancing to the next round of conversation with a female.  In salesforce, your advocate is someone who is convinced in your product but needs the decision maker to approve it.


Meeting a girl that you have decent rapport with.  It seems like a good fit.  She throws a curveball… 

"My friend would love you.  I'm going to introduce you too!"

 Almost there!

Now my job is to not F' this up.  It's literally a 50-50 chance of success.  Everyone listens to recommendations from friends and the same carries with this situation.

Now Playing-  "Steppin out"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Closed Lost and Advocate Uncertain

Remember when I told you my love life is like a sales cycle?

The verbiage of being rejected by a female is to the effect of a director or VP telling me they are not interested whatsoever, in my product ever.  They share a common theme.

From my previous post, A closed/lost opportunity is when the decision maker is not interested in your product at all.

Let's use a scenario common to the man in his 20's- mid 30's.


I'm at a bar confident in my ability to be of use to a desired woman.  She's the perfect opportunity until we get to talk and I find…

She is not interested at all in what I'm saying. She probably knew within 5 minutes it wasn't the best fit.  When I see that sign, I just chalk it up as closed opportunity for the time being.

I can NEVER as a salesmen look like this… 

Sometimes a conversation I have will be with the friend of the girl first.  We like to call her the gatekeeper.


The gatekeeper knows what will be of interest to the girl and knows her general likes and dislikes.  Toughest obstacle is to  convince the gatekeeper I'm the right guy.  She may not be sure if I should  "pass the test."  I'm not sure if she even enjoys talking with me.  She may never let me converse with her girl. ( the DM)

Gatekeeper is essentially a   

I could:
- Make her feel like she will look good by selecting me by charming her.
- Try to go directly above her but that usually doesn't end well.

Now Playing- Chopped and screwed

Monday, May 12, 2014

My love life is a sales cycle

How often everything I do in sales subconsciously funnels into my personal life- mainly my love life.

Using Salesforce, Sales consultants have a pipeline ( Business opportunities) and each opportunity has a stage.  I thought it would be fun to apply sales metrics to response rates when you meet someone in a social setting that you like.

To make sense of the scenarios I present, Here is Salesforce terminology for you non-salesmen.

Closed Lost- Opportunity is closed due to obstacles or zero interest in the product. (0% success)
Advocate Uncertain- Someone below the top decision maker who has concerns for your product. (20% success)
DM Uncertain-  Top decision maker has concerns or objections for your product. ( 30% success)
Advocate Sold Seeking DM Approval- Someone below the top decision maker needs to present your product to them. ( 50% success)
DM sold closing in range- Top decision maker must be get one last "OK" to move forward with your product.  (70% success)
Verbal Commitment- Top decision maker has received the "OK" for formality and is ready to move forward. ( 80% success)
Closed/Won-  Top Decision maker is prepared to implement your product and use it. They are now your client.  ( 100% success)

Stay tuned for my sales my love life cycle.

Now Playing- "Falling in love is so hard on the knees" by Aerosmith.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


When I began to first learn guitar, my guitar teacher told me it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill.

I just wanted to rock out and play for fun.  I never thought I would hit the level of amazing guitar players like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Van Halen.

Maybe I could have…

There have been very few "masters" in their fields lately.  We have so many distractions that a high school kid doesn't sit and practice his craft for 8-10 hours anymore. ( Unless he's an athlete)

How often have you said you were going to do something only to be derailed into something social media related.

I just got sidetracked looking at my twitter.

Older generation talks about how the newer generation is lazy.  I'd say it's a more challenging world to be a master nowadays (especially if you lack concentrated direction)   The older generation didn't have Xbox and social media to distract them from their craft.

Now playing "Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing"


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


You know the saying: "Honesty is the best policy."

"Tell the truth and it will set you free"

Most workers don't do this.  In a work setting, telling the truth will indirectly get you terminated.  there's a certain etiquette we follow.  Rather than directly confront someone at work for what they did, Some employers chastise them.

An environment where you receive a company email always leads to more banter and bickering due to natural curiousity.  Offices(especially sales consultant) do take the form of high school.

I have grown fascinated recently with how psychology and sales work together.   There are reasons people don't feel comfortable telling the truth.  It makes them uncomfortable to know someone may not like their opinion.

You can call me Jerry.  I have grown to appreciate honesty.  I can honestly say I am comfortable with people that love me as much as people who dislike me.

Not many people are like this.  Typical offices carry this attitude:


Monday, May 5, 2014


After a weekend of creating music, I decided this week, I want to be creative.

One of my favorite shows of all time is Seinfeld.  It's a show that no matter what demographic you are, you will see yourself in one of the characters.   You will also learn to appreciate the criticism all the characters have for themselves.  

This week I want to run this blog like I would write a Seinfeld episode.

What seems to be the problem in this picture?

Mondays here not trying to be sappy
Hair is nappy and I'm not happy.
Monday came and yet I'm back see
Work was long, building my pipe
dream of a day when I'm the boss
taking responsibility facing the costs
To not be conformed to just one thought
Monday's past. Now I forgot.


Friday, May 2, 2014


It's friday night and normally after a long work week, I go out….

Didn't go out tonight.  I enjoyed playing guitar and just focusing on what my next steps are to get where I want to be.

I have grown to appreciate the unexpected and this summer, I want to add more spontaneity in my life.  No more predictable weekends or days.

Getting out of my comfort zone could help me embark on things I normally would not give a chance.

This summer is like the opposite of the one George Constanza had.  I am planning to do things and not just talk about them.

Have a great nite everyone!