Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Love life in a sales cycle Chapter 2

As we continue using Salesforce terminology, DM uncertain means the person who can decide to pursue your product has a "hidden" objection preventing them from giving you the OK.

The funny thing we all have been the DM who was uncertain to fully say "yes."

Scenario:  I'm in a bar and I spot the lady that has grabbed my interest.  I want to impress her.  The initial conversation seems to go pretty good except towards the end there seems to be a change in the interest level.

I said something that probably wasn't very flattering and ended up with

In higher ed, it's a complex sale dealing with different point of views and being able to navigate through this can be difficult.  I notice some women I come across can be as complex as a sale and one wrong move can have you in the "not interested" pool.

Still confidence is on…  giphy.gif

Advocate Sold: Seeking DM Approval

At this point, this is the highest percentage of advancing to the next round of conversation with a female.  In salesforce, your advocate is someone who is convinced in your product but needs the decision maker to approve it.


Meeting a girl that you have decent rapport with.  It seems like a good fit.  She throws a curveball… 

"My friend would love you.  I'm going to introduce you too!"

 Almost there!

Now my job is to not F' this up.  It's literally a 50-50 chance of success.  Everyone listens to recommendations from friends and the same carries with this situation.

Now Playing-  "Steppin out"

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