Wednesday, May 7, 2014


When I began to first learn guitar, my guitar teacher told me it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill.

I just wanted to rock out and play for fun.  I never thought I would hit the level of amazing guitar players like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Van Halen.

Maybe I could have…

There have been very few "masters" in their fields lately.  We have so many distractions that a high school kid doesn't sit and practice his craft for 8-10 hours anymore. ( Unless he's an athlete)

How often have you said you were going to do something only to be derailed into something social media related.

I just got sidetracked looking at my twitter.

Older generation talks about how the newer generation is lazy.  I'd say it's a more challenging world to be a master nowadays (especially if you lack concentrated direction)   The older generation didn't have Xbox and social media to distract them from their craft.

Now playing "Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing"


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